The Miranda Brawn Diversity Leadership Annual Lecture provides an educational opportunity
for knowledge to be shared between our future leadership talent and existing top leaders.
We made UK history in October 2016 by organising the UK’s first diversity leadership lecture of its kind.
The 10th Miranda Brawn Diversity Leadership Annual Lecture event will take place at the UK House of Lords in the form of
Afternoon Tea.
Date: 16th October 2025
Time: 3pm sharp to 5pm
Venue: Palace of Westminster, House of Lords, London SW1A 0PW
This is in the Cholmondeley Room and Terrace.
Tickets: This will be a ticket event where a cash donation will
be required. Further amount details will be shared in 2025.
The theme is 'The BIG 10' to celebrate our 10th Anniversary with the official launch of The Brawn Review. Due to time restrictions, the Annual Lecture will be pre-recorded and shared via a link for all the attendees.
Scholarships are awarded during the annual lecture event. The winners are only announced during and after the lecture event.
There will be limited places where priority will be given to our donors, supporters, mentors, volunteers and a selection of our previous winners and ambassadors so early registration is advised.
Emails can be sent to with "The Big 10" in the subject header to register your interest to sponsor and/or attend.
Further details will be shared in 2025. If you would like to attend, please get involved with our TMBDLF work asap.
Entry to the event is via the scholarship application process and/or approved registrations. Only confirmed attendees will be allowed entry. You can register your interest by emailing with "The BIG 10" in the subject header.
Queries can also be sent to our email at
However, please ensure that you have read the information within
our website.
Our Founder and President Dr Miranda Brawn delivers The Miranda Brawn Diversity Leadership Lecture on an annual basis.
The lecture is the perfect opportunity to network and meet inspirational leaders, learn more about education, career success and diversity across all sectors to help create a diverse and inclusive workplace for success.
The Lecture aims to:
Educate, empower and inspire our future and current leaders.
Celebrate the outstanding and inspiring achievements of our future diversity leaders.
Raise awareness of diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, equality and sustainability alongside the importance of every day action.
The winners of the Miranda Brawn Diversity Leadership Scholarship awards are announced on the day of the diversity leadership annual lecture.
Entry to the lecture is via the scholarship application process and/or prior agreement. Attendees will be able to bring their parent(s) or guardian(s) to the event however their name(s) and confirmation of place will be required at least 48 hours in advance.
Our innovative concept has a strong focus on intersectionality which appeals to our diverse audiences. This consists of next-generation diversity leaders, their parents and current leaders in the workplace who wish to learn more about diversity and how they can make an impact by implementing our key tips in their schools, universities and workplaces.
The aim is to enable progression within their studies and careers while making a difference to actively close the diversity gap in the workplace.
Our diversity leadership lecture events are not just focused on one diversity strand. We include all diversity strands such as gender, race, LGBTQ+, disability, religion, faith, social mobility etc. This includes multiple industries and sectors such as finance, business, law, science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics, politics, fashion, media, entrepreneurship and much more. We are continuously looking for ways to continue to lead in an innovative way.
2018 - John Bercow MP's opening keynote on diversity and parliament.
Our summer event was launched during the summer of 2019 at the Speakers' House, Palace of Westminster which was hosted by our opening keynote speaker John Bercow (formerly known as the Rt. Hon John Bercow MP and the Speaker of the House of Commons from 2009-2019).
Other keynotes included top diversity leaders such as former Global Chair and Partner of Hogan Lovells and Chair of PRIME Nicholas Cheffings, University of Brighton Vice-Chancellor Professor Debra Humphris, Lawyer, Activist and Founder of Women in Leadership Publication, Dr Shola Mos-Shogbamimu and our Founder Dr Miranda K. Brawn Esq.
This was accompanied by networking drinks and canapés with classical music by Vox Vanguard.
A few articles about our UK history-making Annual Diversity Leadership Lecture event include:
THE VOICE: UK’s First Diversity Lecture Aimed At Top BAME Schoolkids
The Miranda Brawn Diversity Leadership Annual Lecture was attended by around one hundred 14-21-year-old Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) future leaders and hosted by the UK’s leading law school, The University of Law Read more
THE VOICE: UK’s First Diversity Lecture Aimed At Top BAME Schoolkids
The Miranda Brawn Diversity Leadership Annual Lecture was attended by around one hundred 14-21-year-old Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) future leaders and hosted by the UK’s leading law school, The University of Law Read more
East London Advertiser: Race relations pioneer Dame Jocelyn Barrow speaks at Miranda Brawn awards
The pioneer of the Race Relations Act is among leading figures addressing diversity and leadership lecture and scholarship awards at the University of Law. Read more
BRIXTON BLOG: Guests pledge support for charity at summer event hosted by Commons Speaker John Bercow
The first ever summer event of the Miranda Brawn Diversity Leadership Foundation was hosted by the Speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow MP at the Speaker’s House in the Palace of Westminster. Read more
The Fifth Miranda Brawn Diversity Leadership Annual Lecture was hosted and sponsored by international law firm Hogan Lovells on the evening of 1 October 2020.
It was the charity’s biggest event to date notably our first global and virtual event with over 500 registrations.
This was across many sectors and diverse backgrounds ranging from students to CEO and board directors of global organisations.
As part of the National Inclusion Week and UK Black History Month celebrations with the theme Each One, Reach One and Teach One, it was about individuals and organisations connecting with someone else, or another organisation, to help them understand the opportunity of inclusion and connect.
The Fifth Miranda Brawn Diversity Leadership Lecture 2020
The winners of the Charity’s Annual Diversity Leadership scholarships were also announced during the event where the audience had the opportunity to hear from previous scholarship winners and their experiences on the scholarship programme.
In addition, we had opening keynote addresses by our Patron Dame Fiona Woolf, former Chair of Hogan Lovells and founding supporter of our charity Nicholas Cheffings and our founding Trustee Darren Allaway. A passionate panel discussion led by Hogan Lovells consisting of one of their partners, head of their cultural resource group and a trainee solicitor took place to discuss the required actions within the legal sector.
Dr Miranda K. Brawn Esq. gave the Annual Diversity Leadership Lecture on "Black Lives Matter: Drive Change Through Everyday Inclusion". This provided the audience with much action points for both individuals and organisations.
Miranda Brawn Diversity Leadership Lecture 2019
2019 SUMMER EVENT - Speakers House, the Palace of Westminster

Photo Credit: Chris Shepherd
John Bercow MP The Speaker at the House of Commons keynote at Miranda Brawn Diversity Leadership Lecture 2018
London Live TV with Dr Miranda Brawn on The Miranda Brawn Diversity Leadership Annual Lecture 2018
Miranda Brawn Diversity Leadership Lecture 2017
Dame Jocelyn Barrow, DBE OBE: Race relations, at The Miranda Brawn Diversity Leadership Annual Lecture 2016
Dame Jocelyn Barrow, DBE OBE: Opening Keynote at the Miranda Brawn Diversity Leadership Annual Lecture
Dame Fiona Woolf: Closing Keynote at the Miranda Brawn Diversity Leadership Annual Lecture 2016
Miranda Brawn discusses the inspiration behind the Diversity Leadership Lecture, held at The University of Law in October 2016.
George Pippas,
Former Mayor Of Cambridge
We are all important and we all have a role to play in our Country’s on-going success.
Matthew Ryder QC, Former Deputy Mayor For Social Integration, Social Mobility And Community Engagement
Achieving more diversity amongst London’s workforce at all levels and across all sectors is one of the top priorities of both myself and the Mayor. The lecture at which the Miranda Brawn Diversity Leadership Scholarships will be awarded is a valuable contribution towards highlighting the importance of diversity - including, in particular, race diversity - within the UK workforce.